Campers should arrive for FALL week-long camp sessions at these times.

 Monday at 10:00 AM Check-In

Once you arrive at Camp Courageous, a sign will direct you to the arrival area. Staff will greet you and connect the camper with their counselor and group. Caregivers will be directed to Camp’s Medical Center for check-in while campers go with counselors to unpack their belongings in the cabins. Please allow at least one hour for the check-in process.

Please Note: The person dropping off the camper must be familiar with the medications and health history of the camper.

Caregivers should arrive to pick up their camper:

 Friday at 1:00 PM Check-Out

Once you arrive at Camp Courageous, a sign will direct you to Camp’s Medical Center for check-out. You will sign a release form and be given all remaining medications, spending money, and a take-home report from the camper’s counselors. Nursing staff will connect you with your camper for departure. If a camper is picked up late, a late fee of $20 (15 min. grace period) for every 15 minutes late, starting at 1:15pm, will be added to the camper’s fee.

Please Note: The person picking up the camper must be familiar with the medications and health history of the camper. You must specify the individuals who are allowed to pick the camper up in the camper’s application.